Colon Hydrotherapy

Professional, Sterile & Effective

Professional, sterile, and effective, Happy Belly use a closed system with a single colon hydrotherapist, Laura Dollarhide, ensuring the highest quality results without exception. Our natural colon cleanses use non-chlorinated, non-fluoridated water, which is 99% free of all chemicals and medications commonly found in public water systems. Ozonated water is also available for increased purity.

During the colon cleansing session, a colon massage is also offered upon request to help the colon move. Laura is highly experienced in colonics and strives to provide the best service for every client in order to address a variety of chronic conditions. Ready to feel healthy, happy, and hydrated? Call 720-849-6163 to schedule a session.

Single Session: $125 | 3-Pack: $345 | 6-Pack: $600 | 10-Pack: $950

The Works: $235 (Colon Hydrotherapy + PEMF Table + Ozone Sauna)

Benefits Of Colon Cleansing

Colonic hydrotherapy has been used for centuries as a natural way to cleanse the colon of built-up digestive waste, bacteria, and other toxins. The colonic irrigation process is gentle and therapeutic with many benefits. Colonics may:

  • Prevent constipation. Colon therapy relieves symptoms of chronic constipation and helps maintain regular of bowel movements.

  • Improve digestion. When the colon is cleansed, the digestive response is optimized and waste can be easily flushed out of the system.

  • Restore gut health. Colonic therapy helps to rebalance the bacteria in the gut microbiome, preventing inflammation, indigestion, and other intestinal issues.

  • Aid in weight loss. Foods lacking fiber are digested slowly and create pounds of waste buildup in the colon, and colonics can help release it.

  • Increase vitamin absorption. A cleansed colon properly eliminates digestive waste and allows the body to absorb essential vitamins and nutrients.

  • Increase energy & focus. Colon hydrotherapy flushes toxins from the body, resulting in better blood circulation, more restful sleep, and a boost in energy and concentration.

  • Balance pH in the bloodstream. Hydrocolonic cleansing eliminates bacteria buildup in the colon, which could otherwise enter the bloodstream and throw off the body’s pH.

  • Decrease risk of chronic gastrointestinal conditions. Colon therapy flushes out stagnant digestive waste, reducing the risk of polyps, cysts, and growths forming in the colon and GI tract.

  • Improve overall health and wellbeing. A cleansed colon will have you feeling lighter, healthier, and more energized so you can live a happier life!